Author Archives: Grace Park

How To Get Rich…

I came across this article, and it really spoke to me. The concept of getting rich can seem selfish and a taboo subject.  I define getting rich as being financially independent: not worrying about money all the time, being self-sufficient, and being able to financially help out others who may not have the money to deal with financial surprises.  Don’t we all want that?

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Saying Thank You

Basically, it’s always welcome. But sometimes you need to go above and beyond the politeness and really make the other person understand how much you appreciate them. I’ve found that consistency and  the level of effort and thought drive the impact of the thank you.

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The Impact of Time

As I get older, one of the things I’ve noticed is that the biggest problems aren’t typically “big events” but the accumulation of bad habits over time. Just like time can help (compounding!), time can hurt as well. And as you get older, you start seeing the incremental impact of all these habits…good and bad.  So what are some of the lessons I’m learning?

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“States’ Rights” Vs. “Federal” Rights

I used this term a lot as a COO because getting this balance right is critical. At the “federal” level, certain requirements I defined for the organization were non-negotiable (“we are reporting our financials on this date, this way”) …other decisions were better left to the people on the ground  (“what’s the best way to thank Joe’s employees who worked crazy hours last weekend for the system cutover?”)

Companies often grapple with this issue because getting the balance is hard, but not getting this balance right can lead to real problems. Continue reading

Stepping Out of Retirement

So I’ve been working over 30+ years (gee whiz!), retired, and then started working again. Now I’m figuring out what I want to do. I’m fortunate enough to have a couple of options open to me, and I’m trying to figure out the right one.

When you’re deciding on jobs at this stage of your life, what is important to you changes. So here’s what I’ve learned…..or not learned.

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Timely vs Timeless

I’ve had the opportunity to work with one of the best communications team….and one of the most important lessons I learned was the importance of “timeless” vs “timely” communications for more strategic efforts. It’s a simple, but powerful concept. Continue reading

The Concept of a Talk Track

I’ve noticed people started making references to “talk tracks” a lot. I figured out what it meant: essentially it’s  “what is the narrative?”  The narrative is important because it’s basically the argument you’re making to convince others that you’re right.  So what are the lessons learned on talk tracks? Continue reading