Monthly Archives: June 2019

Death of a Brand

The story of what’s happened to Sears is interesting, perhaps not that unusual. The recent article in Fortune caught my eye because of Jim Collins, author of “From Good to Great”, and a lesser known “How the Mighty Fall” which applies here. Lately, it seems that these huge, untouchable brands….Kraft, Wells Fargo, GE are all examples of the once mighty. Most of the time what goes wrong is outside your pay grade…but some things are within your scope, no matter what your role is….

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I believe in karma. I especially believe in corporate karma.

Unfortunately, I have heard more bad stories than good stories of how people leave companies. A big driver of this is one of my principles of Personal Profitability – you don’t control when you retire/leave. Conventional wisdom is that it happens at 65….as if that’s a rule. Whether you call it retirement, or spending more time with the family, or whatever….net net you are leaving. Sometimes the leaving is handled with respect and dignity….sometimes the leaving is as abrupt as finding the locks changed when you go home that night.

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Be Brave

I think about my dad a lot When you really love your parent, it doesn’t matter if it was the right time for them to leave, it doesn’t matter if they lived a long and good life. You still want more. The one thing I always think about is a conversation I had with him while he was sick with Parkinson’s disease.

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