Monthly Archives: April 2021


This post is written for a friend who has had a medical event….and I think it’s because he puts a lot of pressure on himself, holds himself to impossibly high standards, and is working ALL THE TIME. Here’s some lessons learned on the socially acceptable behavior that hurts you….working too much. Continue reading

Sports Metaphors

I’ve been on lots of projects, and I’ve also gotten brought in to fix projects which have gone haywire. Nothing is worse than being on a project that’s going poorly….”we’re rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic” is one of the memorable things said to me.  Here’s a list of the things that I most often see….

(If you ask me any rules about any sports, I don’t know them. But I love sports metaphors.)

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Challenge: Assuming the Worst Case

This is something I have wrestled with my entire life….and still continue to struggle with. When I don’t get a response, or a response that seems “off”, I assume the worst case… that I screwed up, that I offended the person somehow…..I immediately go to the multitudes of reasons why I didn’t get the response I thought I should have gotten. And here’s the one thing that always resolves it….

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