Saying Thank You

Basically, it’s always welcome. But sometimes you need to go above and beyond the politeness and really make the other person understand how much you appreciate them. I’ve found that consistency and  the level of effort and thought drive the impact of the thank you.

It’s really easy to send off a 30 second email or text thanking someone. But sometimes, it’s just not enough….either because the person has done something amazing or has been there for you consistently….again and again.

There is one person who just knows how to make me feel better when things are rough. I’ll get a delivery of food, or expensive soaps I’d never buy myself.  This person is incredibly busy, with a huge job….but she never fails to do something when I need a little support. She makes me raise my game.  It’s reciprocal…now I know I can do the same for her…and I do.

I remember when my dad needed more and more help as his Parkinson’s progressed. Every action, no matter how small, he’d say thank you.  At night, when he was urinating 7 times a night, and I got up every time with him…every time, he’d thank me.

Recently, we went to visit a surgeon who had operated on a member of my family.  We brought cookies for the nurse heads, and also brought cookies for him.  I felt a little embarassed ….I mean he’s the top surgeon in the country for his specialty….the cookies seemed so insignificant to what he had done.  Well, his face lit up and he assured us he would have one today.  He couldn’t have been more pleased.  It made me realize that so often we assume our thank yous are not necessary when in fact, they always are.