Happy Mother’s Day!

Yes, I am early, because I am reminding you!

Watch this commercial, created for Pandora bracelets. These are the new take on the old “charm” bracelets where you can buy beads with special significance (yes, I have mocked my BFF endlessly about hers, but I still buy her beads-that’s hers in the picture.)

I dare you not to shed a tear.

Quotes I Love

I once was chatting with a manager about how things were going. He thanked me for some sessions I held  in his department, especially for the women managers. I knew diversity was a big passion of his, and I asked him why. He looked at me and simply said, “I have three daughters.”



Women I Love – Vera Wang

Vera Wang – a woman who saw an opportunity in a market where people paid a lot of money for poorly designed dresses – one’s wedding. She transformed the niche of bridal dresses to become designer – elegant, streamlined, simple. Remember the stretch tulle dresses that everyone was wearing for a while? Read her bio to see her long list of accomplishments and passion for excellence: in education, jobs, and sports that got her where she is today…a $1B business.

As someone who has stayed relevant for 45 years, and continues to expand her business, she has some wise words to say:

“I remember, with every decision I make, there is a repercussion.”

“In the end, it’s not about failure, it’s about how much you love what you do. If it gets you up in the morning, gives you a reason to live, a reason to be excited, that’s the greatest gift that any passion can give you.”