So I met with someone who asked me for advice on something I am not qualified to answer. Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day!
Yes, I am early, because I am reminding you!
Watch this commercial, created for Pandora bracelets. These are the new take on the old “charm” bracelets where you can buy beads with special significance (yes, I have mocked my BFF endlessly about hers, but I still buy her beads-that’s hers in the picture.)
I dare you not to shed a tear.

Quotes I Love
I once was chatting with a manager about how things were going. He thanked me for some sessions I held in his department, especially for the women managers. I knew diversity was a big passion of his, and I asked him why. He looked at me and simply said, “I have three daughters.”

Plan B.
I can’t believe I didn’t have it on the list because this is so important.
You must always have a plan B.

Now, attention to detail is important. You cannot have a quality outcome without attention to detail.
But, micromanaging is another story. This is probably one of the top pet peeves people have of their manager. How do you know if you do this?

Are You Happy?
I got asked this question: something to the effect of “Now that you’ve reached this level in your career, are you happy?” My immediate reaction was “Uh……no.”

Quotes I Love
“Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.”
Walt Whitman

Slow Down
People are always in a rush. We’re running from one meeting to another, dealing with unexpected demands, trying to get things done. But doing things in a hurry can backfire on you. Here are some indications that you need to slow down:

Women I Love – Vera Wang
Vera Wang – a woman who saw an opportunity in a market where people paid a lot of money for poorly designed dresses – one’s wedding. She transformed the niche of bridal dresses to become designer – elegant, streamlined, simple. Remember the stretch tulle dresses that everyone was wearing for a while? Read her bio to see her long list of accomplishments and passion for excellence: in education, jobs, and sports that got her where she is today…a $1B business.
As someone who has stayed relevant for 45 years, and continues to expand her business, she has some wise words to say:
“I remember, with every decision I make, there is a repercussion.”
“In the end, it’s not about failure, it’s about how much you love what you do. If it gets you up in the morning, gives you a reason to live, a reason to be excited, that’s the greatest gift that any passion can give you.”
Can You be an Introverted Type A?
I recently had a conversation with a young woman who felt that she might not be authentic because while she was a Type A personality, she was also somewhat shy. I understood how she felt…both of us are Asian females, which I think has something to do with it. Continue reading