Are You Happy?

I got asked this question: something to the effect of “Now that you’ve reached this level in your career, are you happy?” My immediate reaction was “Uh……no.”

So let me explain. I derive great satisfaction from  my job. I believe I do it well. I enjoy working with others, and achieving something. But happy? That’s not what jumps to mind. I think you can be happy about things like your overall career, where you work, who you work with, the opportunities to learn. But I think it’s a big ask to be happy at work. Every day things go wrong. Every day I get frustrated. So if you ask me during the day if I am happy, I’m liable to look at you like you have two heads.

I know there are people who are happy at work. I’ve read about them. But I’ve never actually met one. (Maybe I need to get out more?)

Happiness for me is looking at the ocean. Laughing with friends and family. Eating something really yummy.

But do I find work satisfying? Absolutely.

Here is an NYT article that resonated with me. David Brooks, the columnist, ends with this wonderful paragraph:

“The stumbler doesn’t build her life by being better than others, but by being better than she used to be. Unexpectedly, there are transcendent moments of deep tranquillity. For most of their lives their inner and outer ambitions are strong and in balance. But eventually, at moments of rare joy, career ambitions pause, the ego rests, the stumbler looks out at a picnic or dinner or a valley and is overwhelmed by a feeling of limitless gratitude, and an acceptance of the fact that life has treated her much better than she deserves.”