Everyone wants to make life easier….often, experts will tell you that developing good habits are key to making life easier. The definition of a habit according to Webster is “an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.” Here are random things I’ve heard which I’ve adopted….I find it’s easier to embrace a good habit than try to stop a bad one.
- When you get paid, automatically put some of it away. For me, I opened a separate account and transferred the money every pay day to see it grow…otherwise, it was too easy to ignore.
- Always have something to eat on you. Buying food to eat at the spur of the moment is guaranteed to be expensive, not the greatest choice, and way more than you really need. I used to carry a PB&J sandwich in my bag.
- Have an emergency $20 bill in your wallet, tucked away. It’s not to be spent, it’s the “in case of emergency” money. When you do spend it, replace it fast.
- Never try to catch a falling knife. I just taught my niece this one.
- Pack your bag, pick out your clothes the night before, charge your phone. Yes, it sounds OCD. But if your morning’s going to get completely screwed up, the rest of the day is pretty doomed as well.
- If you think you are hungry but don’t want to eat an apple, you’re not hungry. You’re bored.
- Always dress for the weather.…but be appropriate for work! If you think it might be too skimpy, too short, or doesn’t smell fresh…it is.
- Have a back up kit at the office: makeup, toothbrush, blotting papers, deodorant.
- Invest in a good umbrella. No cheap ones, and no huge golf ones which hog the street.
- Call/text your parents and loved ones during the day, even if you don’t have anything specific to say.