The Litmus Test

Often when there are management changes, the temptation is to stop what you’re doing and wait for the new person to define the priorities and strategy. Here’s my litmus test: “If you’re doing the right thing for the firm, it shouldn’t matter who your boss is.”

When people tell me they don’t know what to do in terms of their priorities: often it’s become personal with their boss. They feel they know better, they’re frustrated with lack of direction, they don’t agree with their boss. My advice to them is to figure out what is the right thing to do for the firm, and do it. Explain why it’s the right thing so your boss understands. But channel your energy into positive action versus your feelings.

A wise person once said to me “You don’t get to pick who you work for.” Whether or not your manager is competent isn’t your call. What you accomplish and work on is.