Category Archives: Perform Better

22. Be fast and accurate.

This is probably one of the most challenging things you’ll come across in your career. Usually, you’re fast OR accurate.

The people who truly rise to the top are the ones who can master both. It doesn’t matter if you’re accurate if you’re always late with the presentation. And it doesn’t matter if you’re fast if your work has errors. So how to deal? Continue reading

Improving on Performance

This is an interesting article called “Beware the Winning Streak”.  Essentially, it points out the obvious, which is that it gets harder and harder to improve performance the better your performance is.  As one of my people used to tell me… “Happiness is a low base.”

I see this concept come up often: it’s usually the reason why you don’t aim for 100% targets on your performance standards. If you’re at 90%, it gets very expensive and much more difficult to chase down the final 10% to hit 100%.

For people, I think you can keep striving to get it right. But you shouldn’t feel bad if you’re not perfect. Some things don’t matter as much as others.  Some things have to be 100% (responses to 911 calls for example). But not everything. Just make sure you pick the right things.

More on Adding Value to Every Communication (LL#5)

As you progress, you’ll be writing emails to more senior people. Here are some tips and tells on whether you’re doing it right.

1. Your email has to be clear and crisp. If your email looks like one big paragraph, it’s probably a run on stream of consciousness, not a well crafted email.

Opening sentence: explain intent, context, the why. “As you know, the project is in amber status and I wanted to make you aware of what actions we are taking to mitigate the situation”, “You’ll see in today’s report, the following areas are flagging amber, and I wanted to make you aware….” Usually, it’s a statement of fact, and wanting to make the person aware of something related to that.  This sentence makes you credible.

2. If you are asking the person to do something, make it clear as a stand alone sentence. “As a result, we’d like to ask that you attend a meeting, talk to Tom, something.” What do you want me to do? This sentence makes you clear…”What do you need me to help you with?”

3. Copy those people who need to be copied. If it’s someone really senior, you need to copy your boss. And your boss shouldn’t be surprised that you sent the email.

Here’s the tell on whether or not you did it right: if the person responds back. If you get nothing back, chances are you didn’t hit the mark.

A Great Top Ten Tips Article

A friend who reads my blog sent this to me. It’s a great article by Fay Vincent, who was the president and CEO of Columbia Pictures and was a commissioner of Major League Baseball. One quote I like from his article:

“Be careful about the use of the word ‘average’ – one can drown in a river the average depth of which is six inches.”


I find feedback hard. I discount the positive, and I overreact to the negative.

Someone I trust said something interesting to me: “You don’t have to take all the feedback as true. But pay attention to the feedback that really bothers you.

I thought that was a great comment to keep in mind when you receive feedback. My other observation? How seriously I take the feedback is proportionate to how much I respect the person.

If there are people who respect you, take a moment. Give them some real feedback about what they do well, and suggest some actionable items on how to work on their weaknesses. You’d be surprised on your impact.

A great article on someone’s approach to feedback: read about a high school valedictorian’s effort that will blow you away.