Category Archives: Making Life Easier


In this case fire is good: Financial Independence, Retire Early

A great article in this month’s Kiplinger’s magazine talks about the super savers…these are people who try to save 50% or more of their annual income over 10-15 years. The goal isn’t to stop working necessarily, but to not to have to work at a 9-5 job. They are focused on not spending money, and trying to maximize income opportunities. Some of it is extreme, like the timeframes,  giving up your highest income producing years and benefits such as health insurance which I don’t totally agree with. But I love the idea of really being a badass on saving. Continue reading

A New Lessons Learned List Item

Don’t take things personally.

In the Godfather, Michael is admonished by his brother Sonny, to which he responds…


There is nothing harder than not taking things personally when you’re a 1) control freak, 2) take pride in your work, 3) Type A personality.  Every suggestion feels like a criticism, or worse, a shortcoming.  This is something I’ve grappled with my whole life. So what helps? Continue reading

Can You Help Everyone?

A lot of people have come to me for help in my career, which most times I’m happy to do. Sometimes it’s a quick conversation, an email, and sometimes it’s something deeper. But once in a while, you’ll have someone who seems to need too much help, leaning on you for everything, and seems to have made you their person. They’re needy. You feel bad because you’re frustrated.  Here’s what I learned. Continue reading

Two Different Approaches…Still Good Outcomes

So two people were going through a similar challenge, but ended up with quite different outcomes…all to the good. One person wanted to leave his role because he got the sense there was no progression opportunities (many MDs…crowded at the top), and he didn’t feel that financial services had the upside it once did. The other person felt like she also didn’t have progression upside either, and that she was getting no recognition…so time to look. Here’s what happened: Continue reading

Why Aren’t They Hiring Me?!!

I read that more people are quitting their jobs than ever…(apparently there is a measure for this!). I’ve recently advised folks who are looking to change jobs, and while some were able to, some have hit a snag. It’s easy to take it personally and think it’s about you. Don’t. They liked you enough for an interview, for a few more interviews, to get to offer stage. That means you are qualified, you pass the litmus tests. However, if they don’t proceed it’s usually for the following reasons:  Continue reading

Negotiating Comp

One of the biggest challenges I have had in my career is the subject of compensation. For most of my career, I accepted what was given to me, trusting my manager to fight for me. The reality is that while managers try to be fair, they also want to pay the amount that keeps you “satisfied” while not overpaying you compared to the market and your peer group. So a couple of lessons learned: Continue reading