Two Different Approaches…Still Good Outcomes

So two people were going through a similar challenge, but ended up with quite different outcomes…all to the good. One person wanted to leave his role because he got the sense there was no progression opportunities (many MDs…crowded at the top), and he didn’t feel that financial services had the upside it once did. The other person felt like she also didn’t have progression upside either, and that she was getting no recognition…so time to look. Here’s what happened:

Person A used his network, and got introduced as a possible candidate in a different field entirely…much more sales driven and technology based. We prepped by going through a few mock interviews, highlighting his knowledge of the customer, how he solved problems for the business, and what the challenges were. While he didn’t necessarily have sales experience, he was able to show that he was personable, had a deep understanding of what the clients wrestle with, and how he solved problems/didn’t solve problems internally-BTW where the new firm could help. That information was viewed as invaluable, and he got the job.

Person B interviewed for similar roles at other similar firms.  While people were interested, she got push back from a compensation and title perspective: she got the sense that they were trying to bring her in as low as possible. So the conversation stalled. In the meantime, she kept doing great work at her job and received senior recognition for it…..she found out she was being discussed for promotion and recommended for a high potential program for women at the firm.

Two different approaches….but still great outcomes.