Women I love – Dr Christina Yang

For those of you who watch Grey’s Anatomy, you know who I mean.

Christina Yang is a character played by Sandra Oh: a cardiothoracic surgeon at the hospital. Meredith Grey is her best friend: another top surgeon. They have rituals: “dancing it out”, being “each other’s person”, and not going to that “dark and twisty place”. Two women passionate about professional excellence and their friendship.

Doctor Yang  is competitive, ambitious, intelligent, and at the same time, brutally honest, insensitive, aggressive and tactless.  While I’m not recommending that all her manager behaviors be emulated (how she handles the new residents…and how they love it), she is inspiring because she is who she is and is unapologetic about it.  How refreshing is that?

This past May, Dr Yang left Grey’s Anatomy.  Thank you Sandra Oh for giving us a female Asian television character as authentic and brave as Dr Yang.




11. Friends and family spell “love” T-I-M-E. Show up.

I get asked a lot about “work life balance” and how I do it. It’s not easy.

Personally, I don’t believe it exists if you define it as balancing work and life equally all the time. Just from a pure math point of view, if you work 5 days a week, there is no way that there can be balance from a time allotment perspective. Balance implies you have equal weight on both sides. So we feel guilty because we can’t achieve the balance, and we beat ourselves up even though it’s impossible.  And we feel bad because we’re told we can have it all. But what does that mean?

What I do believe is in work life balancing.  Continue reading

28. Learn how to say no.

How many times have you heard this? So, there are right ways and wrong ways.

You can’t say no because you have too much to do. You can’t say no because you have no resources. You can’t say no when it’s the business or your client. You can’t say no when it’s your boss. You can’t say no because you think it’s not important. You can’t say no because your boss told you to say no. Continue reading

24. Myth: “My work stands for itself”….

Myth: “my work stands for itself…so I don’t need to do anything. They’ll recognize that I am promotion material.”

Getting the balance between being humble but still advocating for yourself is hard. It’s hard not to take it personally when you’re not promoted, and you expected it. It’s even harder if you see peers getting promoted. So how do you navigate this space? Continue reading

Keeping a personal notebook

I was reading an interesting blog (see here: “12 quiet rituals of enormously successful humans”). Take a read, but one that really resonated with me was:

“9, They keep some kind of personal notebook.”

For years, I have had a personal notebook. (not that I am enormously successful!)  I take it on all trips, I always know where it is. It’s a big “Black n’ Red” bounded notebook, with lined pages. But it’s not a journal. Part of it’s a journal, but I don’t write in my journal every day. So what’s in it? Continue reading

2. Say thank you.

My first summer job when I was in business school was working for a consulting practice at a big accounting firm. My first day, I was nervous and as I entered my newly furnished office that I was sharing with another intern, I spilled my entire grande cup of coffee on the pristine beige rug. I was sure I was going to be fired. Or known as the intern who spilled the coffee.

My boss came by, introduced himself, took a look and laughed…”Boy, that’s a rough start!”. He called someone to make arrangements to clean it up and couldn’t have been nicer. I knew he was going to be someone I learned a lot from.

What I learned from him wasn’t subject matter. Not that he wasn’t brilliant: he was ex-McKinsey, had lots of degrees. There are a lot of people like that. But he was also an example of someone who was kind and really good at his job. Respected as a partner. Liked by everyone. Even the janitor.

Every night, he’d poke his head in before he left (as the lowest people on the food chain, we would be working late). He’d always say “Thanks a lot for your help today.” Every day. To interns.

I try to remember this at work. Saying thank you, sending an email, ordering pizza….all of it goes a long way to affecting people’s day to day. In general, work is hard, frustrating, infuriating, and exhausting. It can also be rewarding, inspiring, and satisfying. But when you work in an environment where you feel appreciated, and you’re thanked, it refuels you for the next day.

So say thank you.


5. Add value to every communication you send. If no one’s commenting, no one’s reading it.

My pet peeve are those emails that come out every week, or even every day. They have one or two lines that say “please find attached the weekly x. If you have any questions, let us know”, with an attachment. Which I can’t really open on blackberry.

Take the time and write a few sentences on the key soundbites. Why do I care? What is the report telling me that is of interest? If there’s been no change, tell me that. If there has been a deterioration in something (metrics, project status, etc.), tell me that too. Give me some indication of whether or not it’s good news or bad news. More importantly, give me the sense that you know what’s going on. Don’t make me work for it by trying to put the pieces together.

Pushing emails like this out without taking the time to summarize is an opportunity wasted. You have my attention….what do you want to tell me?

30. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first.

It’s one of the few times when putting yourself first is required.

The point is, you can’t help anyone if you’re not ok. But taking care of ourselves doesn’t come naturally sometimes. It feels like we’re being selfish. There are so many other things that need to be done. We prioritize our needs last because we’re so busy taking care of everyone else.

As the oldest in my family, I always felt that responsibility. My mom didn’t speak English fluently, my dad was on the road a lot, so I always felt like the “mom”.  In my culture, you are trained to think of everyone before yourself.

But you can’t take care of anyone if you are not taking care of yourself. The basics:  eat right, get rest, be in good health. Go to your doctor appointments annually. Go to the dentist twice a year. Use sunscreen. Get exercise. Pay attention to whatever seems not “right”. Your intuition is speaking to you for a reason. Don’t ignore it.

Last year, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer: DCIS. It’s the best kind, if you’re going to get it…very high cure rates when caught early. Even so, I needed a lumpectomy, radiation every day for 6 weeks, and now I’m on tamoxifen for 5 years. I never smoked, have no history of it in my family, considered myself pretty healthy. So I was really shocked. There were some mornings where I’d think to myself “I have cancer” because it didn’t seem real to me.

That’s an extreme case of making sure you take care of yourself. But so many women I spoke to (I felt it was really important for me to share my story so that women would feel incented to get mammograms) had not had one even though they knew they needed to, because of family history or prior medical issues.  I would have never found the cancer through self examination: it was behind my nipple. Only my routine mammogram would have picked it up. And my options would have been very different depending on when I found out.

So, do what the airline attendants tell you. Oxygen mask on you first.


When you’re just starting your career….

I had a conversation with a lovely young woman who’s just starting out…she’s three years into her career since graduating from school. She asked me some very good questions…so I thought it would be worth posting here.

1. “Do you need an MBA?”

I get asked this a lot. Full disclosure, I do have an MBA…I felt I needed one because I worked in banking and my undergrad major was history. But it’s a big time commitment, not to mention the costs. And at the time, the MBA meant a lot more…now, it might be a nice to have, but it’s definitely not a prerequisite for success. But I do think learning is a great thing, and there may be subjects you need to understand or you just enjoy. Take advantage if your firm has tuition reimbursement programs. Learning something is never a bad thing.

2. “All my friends have changed jobs, but I haven’t. Am I missing out on something?”

When you’re starting your career, all you’re really trying to do is figure out what you love, and what you’re good at. And hopefully the two are one and the same! Two years after  I graduated from business school, it seemed everyone had changed their jobs. But here’s the thing…they didn’t change jobs because they had great opportunities (though they might position it that way), they changed jobs because they were unhappy. So don’t feel bad because you are happy with your job and your firm. As long as you’re learning, you trust and like the people you work with, and you feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment…you got it right. There’s no need to try other hotels if you’re already at the Ritz-Carlton!

3. “Can I talk to my manager about things like promotion?”

Absolutely. That is the conversation you should be having. Now, marching in and demanding that this be the year you get promoted isn’t the way to do it. Pick a logical time (usually midyear reviews are good times). A good opening:

“One thing that would help me. I’d like to continue progressing in my career, and it would be helpful to know what you think my development areas are to get to the next level?”

A couple of things will happen. Your manager will either be totally prepared to give you feedback, and give you some sense of where they see you in terms of your readiness. Your manager might be totally shocked that you’re thinking about promotion because they didn’t think you wanted it or because they never thought of you that way. Whatever the outcome, none of these scenarios are a bad thing. Either way, you’re opening up communications….the worst is when the employee and manager are in very different places on the subject.

4. “I get told I need to speak up more. How do I do that?”

Same way you get to Carnegie Hall…practice, practice, practice. You want to build muscle memory….and get your body used to it so it doesn’t put you in flight or fight mode. Start small: safe places like a staff meeting with your peers. Give yourself a goal: at least once a day, you’re going to speak up. Then every meeting you attend, you’re going to speak up. Here’s the thing: no one expects you to have the right answer …but they do expect you to have a point of view.  And if all communication stopped, all business would cease. Nothing would happen. So that’s really how work gets done. So if you don’t speak, you’re not contributing in a very important way.

One strategy I use is I’m the “recap” person. I’m rarely the first person talking. I like to hear what everyone has to say. Then I sum up what I think the conclusions were “It sounds like we all agree x, but we’re still not sure about y”.  Or build on someone else’s point…”I think Joe makes a good point because…..”. People love when you agree with them in public!

5. “What about compensation?”

This is tricky. It’s hard talking about money. My sense is the best you can do if you’re unhappy is have a conversation with your manager ahead of the compensation decisions and just say “I know you do your best to make sure we get paid fairly. If there’s anything you can do for me this year, I’d really appreciate it.”  I am not a fan of getting another job and asking for a counter-offer (you’ve just shown me that you’re not loyal and am holding me hostage…how am I supposed to feel good about that?), am certainly not a fan of demanding it. But also not a fan of being entirely mute on the subject if you think you’re not being paid as you should be.

But let me also say that in the beginning, you shouldn’t be making decisions because of money. Now, if your lifestyle is awful, or unsafe because you’re not making enough, you have to assess what’s going on. But in the early days, what seems like a lot of money will seem like a rounding error when you look back. I laugh when I think about how we as grad students agonized over offers because one had a $5,000 signing bonus and one didn’t. Stay focused on the main goal: to learn, to work at a great firm with great people, and gain skills. The money will come. If it doesn’t, you’re that much more saleable in the market because you’re great at what you do, and getting the money won’t be an issue. Just don’t chase the money….chase the experience.


Having a sense of urgency

This is one of those attributes which act as an early indicator for promotion.

An old boss said to me once that he could figure out whether or not someone had drive just by the way they walked around the office. If they had a slow pace, sauntered, “hung out”, he knew they were unlikely to be someone who was going to push to get things done.

It sounds arbitrary, but here’s the thing: it’s one thing to be relaxed and  laid back  from a style perspective, but never let that become who people think you are at work. There are very few jobs where being relaxed and laid back is cited as a job requirement.

Now, if your style is relaxed and laid back, but you know when to dial it up when you need to, you have acute attention to detail, you make sure things are right, are constantly looking for continuous improvement, it’s not an issue.

Just make sure your style isn’t conveying to your manager that you don’t care.