Getting Your First Job

I recently spoke to a friend’s son who was interviewing me…just getting my thoughts on work based on my experience. It made me remember how hard it is when you’re interviewing for your first “real” job….and what it’s like on the other side of the table. Many of us are seeing our kids/nephews/nieces go through the process, which has been pretty much upended with COVID.  Some things I’ve shared with others….

  1. Prepare your elevator pitch on who you are.  What do you want me to know about you?  Don’t count on my questions or your resume to get to what I need to know about you…make sure that you’re actively managing the conversation as well. For instance, if you want to make sure people know you are a leader, or good in a crisis, figure out ahead of time the story you’re going to tell.  Look for the segway…then tell it.
  2. Why you?  I only have so many slots, and if I use one on you, it has to really count.  Open roles are a precious commodity…why am I picking you?  I’m looking for tangibles like intelligence (GPA), rigor (hard classes), experience (captain, chairman, etc). But I’m also looking for the intangibles: do you have a sense of urgency?  Do you persevere? Are you intellectually curious?  Can I trust you?
  3. Do your research: think about what they want from the job.  Is there something special going on with the company?  Are they doing well or not?  Are they merging?  How was last quarter?  Show that you’ve done some homework.
  4. Be memorable: Zoom can be strangely deadening and certainly nothing like in person.  You’ll have to compensate:  Smile, laugh, make a joke. Lean forward. Use your hands/body language.  Do a test run with someone you trust and ask them for honest feedback. Ask them afterwards “Would you hire me?”
  5. Follow up well: send the follow up thank you email. Reiterate your points. Think of it as your closing arguments in front of the judge. Anything you missed that you wanted to say…here’s your opportunity.

P.S.  More requirements sent to me: hard-working, energetic, resourceful, coachable, grit, x-factor, humble-confidence, authentic, good-human. Would seem like an impossible list except I know the guy…and he’s all of that.