Women I Love

I admit it, I have a HUGE girl-crush on Jenna Lyons. For those of you who don’t know her she is the force behind J.Crew.  One of the few to survive after Micky Drexler  took over the failing company, she has made ballet flats, military jackets, and chunky necklaces the norm, their sales catalogue as enticing as the new Vogue magazine, and just seems like the person you want to be friends with.

In this article on Lenny, she talks about a particularly painful experience we all go through: adolescence.  That moment where you’re being singled out because you’re not pretty/conventional/like everyone else and made horribly self-conscious in that knowledge. The story has a happy ending but what I love is that she doesn’t pretend that the polished, all knowing, elegant woman she is represents what she always was. She is who she is.