Someone had asked me about the best way to sign off on email. It got me thinking to the lessons learned re: electronic communications and the situations I’ve seen.
- Never put into email what you wouldn’t say directly to the person. You have no idea who the email will get forwarded to. Don’t forward without ccing the original author.
- Emails should be short and to the point: we’re usually reading them off a tiny screen. and have 30 seconds. Tell me what you need.
- Don’t send lots of attachments. I guarantee they won’t get opened. Send the ones you really need, and say why they are important. Bring copies to the meeting just in case.
- Don’t email/IM commenting on someone’s poor performance during the meeting. (Guess what, it shows up when they’re hosting a live meeting..yes I have seen this happen.)
- Assume your email is being cced to your parents, your spouse/partner, your manager. Still want to send it?
If you do send an email that you shouldn’t have sent, IMMEDIATELY go and apologize to the recipient. No excuses. Just apologize.