Why the Tough Assignments…(#23)

I recently got together with some folks I had worked with in the past….we had worked on an incredibly difficult, multi year, high profile project together.  And as we were reminiscing, laughing, and telling stories about who did what to whom, one thing struck me.

We hadn’t necessarily seen each other or spoken in some time. But the moment we were all around the table again, it was as if time had stopped.

Hard projects are like that…you create bonds with other people unlike any other. You’ve seen each other during wins, during the failures, the mistakes. You’ve seen each other at his or her best and worst.

What it all comes down to is that we all stuck by each other to get through it and accomplish the impossible.  What we’re left with is the knowledge of what we did.  Nothing compares to that feeling: not money, title, or accolades.

So raise your hand for the tough assignments. Stay committed through the end. Care about everyone making it over the finish line. Never forget the importance of integrity. I promise you, you’ll never regret it.