The Last Day of the Year

Here’s my list of what I learned in 2015, in no particular order….

  1. That spending time with family has the potential for disaster, but isn’t destined for it.
  2. That as much as you try to be grateful for everything, it’s impossible.
  3. That giving people time and listening to them is the most meaningful interaction for them.
  4. That paying attention to details is important.
  5. That small luxuries like a hot bath, a morning cup of coffee, and a cozy bed are totally underrated.
  6. That big luxuries like jewelry, cars, and eating out are totally overrated.
  7. That a lot of peace can come from a tidy set of surroundings.
  8. That the daily sacrifices of living within your means, eating and drinking within reason, and taking care of your body are totally worth it.
  9. That you can solve almost every problem, but you can’t solve for loss and heartache.
  10. That you should do what you think is right, even if others think you’re nuts.
  11. That you should speak from the heart of what you believe to be true.
  12. That you should share stories so people understand.
  13. That you should sometimes fib to others, but don’t lie to yourself.
  14. That you should give money to people who ask for it. They don’t want to be on the subway or street begging.
  15. That you should smile at small children, babies, old people, and the physically challenged.
  16. That you should take every opportunity to hug and kiss the people you love.

Wishing all of you wisdom, love, and contentment in the new year.