Radical Candor

I came across this post from one of my favorite blogs, A Cup of Jo and it really resonated with me…this idea of radical candor.

Now, you might say to me being honest isn’t so radical. But the truth is, we’re bad at this at the times we need to do it most: when our employees are stumbling or failing. We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. We feel bad when we’re being negative. It feels judgey.  It’s easier to retreat and not say anything.

Kim Scott, a coach, talks about the two axis of caring personally and challenging directly.  I love this concept because the reality is, I have found that I can always give really direct feedback as long as the person recognizes it comes from a place of positive intent for them.  And as long as I’m being clear and fair, they get it.  They may not always agree, but it’s always a productive conversation.





Click here for the link.