How to Present to Senior Managers

So I’m coming out of our quarterly planning session, saw many presentations, and here’s my advice….


  1. Know your story line and stick with it. Before you even start your presentation, figure out what your objective is.  What is the hook to get my attention? Do you need the group to make a decision? What do you think matters to them? What areas do you need their guidance on? If you’re just talking at them, you won’t engage them. You want them to throw the ball back to you…not sit there.
  2. Keep it brief and to the point. 25 slides for one hour is too much. Be a ruthless editor…that’s what an appendix is for.
  3. Stick to your timeframes: you will get cut off. There are people behind you. Don’t go down rabbit holes: if they ask you a question, they don’t want you to solve it right there. You’re supposed to go away and figure it out.
  4. Enthusiasm and humor are infectious. Even with senior managers.
  5. Use their time wisely: you have an hour with them. Do you really want to go over what they probably already know or not interested in?

Lastly, get feedback on how to get better. Find out what worked, and what you need to improve on. People will be honest.