Making Life Easier Hints

This is a new category…it will represent all the great “wow, that makes things so much easier” hints I come across. Here’s one regarding flights.

So last week, I got caught in the lightning/hail/thunderstorm that grounded all the flights at JFK.   Supposed to leave at 7:35PM, left the runway at 1:00AM. Arrived at destination at 3:45AM for a 7:00 AM meeting. Ugh.  But the driver taking me to the airport gave me a great hint.

He uses Flightview to check on the flight statuses. He told me that everyone at the company uses it, especially since for pick ups, they have to time it right in order not to be late or getting chased away from loitering.

Not sure it would have made me any less frustrated, but I feel better having it in my mobile!