My 2 cents – The Millennial Myth

So, I don’t really buy the “millenials are so different from us” hype.

I remember being their age and being annoyed and frustrated by the exact same things they don’t like. They get frustrated working in repetitive, boring jobs. They want feedback. They want to work for great managers. They want to accelerate and progress their careers as quickly as possible.

I don’t know about you, but I was exactly the same way…..28 years ago.

The one big difference is the invasiveness of technology in their lives, and the unforgiving public as an audience. So I didn’t grow up going to bed with my phone, I didn’t have the stupid things I’ve done made into a video and sent to the school. My mom wasn’t on Facebook, and no one was tweeting.  So that is a big difference….one I am grateful for.

At the end of the day, people are individuals, and I don’t think you can lump people into one category and think that you can address all their issues accordingly. People want to believe they’re special. That never changes.

So if you have a “millennial” working for you, treat them how you’d want your kids to be treated someday. If you don’t, treat them how you would have wanted to be treated when you were their age.