Monthly Archives: July 2015

The Most Beautiful Paragraph

Reddit asked people to submit “the most beautiful paragraph or sentence you’ve ever read”….This brought tears to my eyes. Read the post here.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.

“Pooh?” he whispered.

“Yes, Piglet?”

“Nothing,” said Piglet, taking Pooh’s hand. “I just wanted to be sure of you.”

A.A. Milne

A Great Top Ten Tips Article

A friend who reads my blog sent this to me. It’s a great article by Fay Vincent, who was the president and CEO of Columbia Pictures and was a commissioner of Major League Baseball. One quote I like from his article:

“Be careful about the use of the word ‘average’ – one can drown in a river the average depth of which is six inches.”

Leadership: Power vs Attractiveness

I attended a fantastic seminar, and learned a lot. Here’s something that I found interesting. Leadership is along a continuum of power on one side and attractiveness on another.

Power is about authority, influence, and resources. Attractiveness is about likeability. You need to have both. Why?

You need enough power to be taken seriously.

You need enough attractiveness so others want to help you.

Many of us naturally fall somewhere along that line: the extremes are strong power – people who can execute, but can be viewed as rude, intimidating or abrupt. Others are strong attractive- well liked but viewed as soft, weak, or ineffective.  The goal is to be blended.

Where do you naturally fall? What actions can you take to be more balanced?