Category Archives: Organizational Effectiveness

Buzzword Pet Peeve

It’s been a long time….but this article caught my eye.  The article, written by Stephen Day for Entrepreneur is:  “Stop Using ‘Digital Transformation’ to Describe Your Business. This Meaningless Buzzword Fails To Spotlight Your Company’s Biggest Asset.”

So one of my big pet peeves is when it’s hard to understand what something means. I am not the most patient person in the world, so if I see something, I want to understand the meaning right away.  So one phrase that I dislike is “digital transformation”.  Continue reading

“States’ Rights” Vs. “Federal” Rights

I used this term a lot as a COO because getting this balance right is critical. At the “federal” level, certain requirements I defined for the organization were non-negotiable (“we are reporting our financials on this date, this way”) …other decisions were better left to the people on the ground  (“what’s the best way to thank Joe’s employees who worked crazy hours last weekend for the system cutover?”)

Companies often grapple with this issue because getting the balance is hard, but not getting this balance right can lead to real problems. Continue reading